The User’s Guide To Making Cheap Calls From Overseas to India

If you are travelling abroad or happen to travel overseas frequently, then it almost becomes a practice to make cheap calls to India to inquire about the welfare of your loved ones and friends and even connect with business associates. International call rates were once exorbitantly expensive when conventional methods such as land lines were the only option. However, with the unstoppable march of the Internet, making calls cheap international calls is no longer a distant pipe dream. You have various options to choose from for making a cheap call and the choice is so varied that it is difficult to pinpoint the best one. It is, however, that numerous factors decide what works best for you and to your greatest advantage.

International Calling App

Since the mobile revolution has swept the entire globe, everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, color or social standing uses a mobile phone as this has come to be a genuinely convenient and cheap solution to mobile communications the world over. Moreover, if the mobile phone is Global System (GSM) connected, then calling from abroad definitely becomes cheaper. Even Verizon phones these days happen to be GSM linked and you need to contact your provider if GSM facilities are missing. Needless to say that cell phones have helped people connect with each other from any corner of the earth to the other and wireless networks have sprouted up in almost all developed and even developing countries. It needs to be borne in mind, however, that mobile telephony can be expensive also, if one uses it too frequently. So while traveling abroad make sure that that your automatic notifications are disabled from your phone’s selected apps as also automatic e-mail push. Forgetting to do so could lead to extremely high data charges.

When you use a smart phone or even a tablet, your costs for making cheap calls to India becomes much lower. Downloading the VOIP app helps you beat high international call rates also. VOIP helps you make calls directly by way of the Internet through Wi-Fi hotspot. Should it so happen that you don’t have a hotspot position, the call gets connected to the nearest 3G network that operates on GSM. Again, it will depend on which particular app is being used and calls made through WiFi either come for free or cost a paltry few cents for every minute of talk time.

If hotspot isn’t being used, those cheap international calls go through local GSM networks that are data operated and not on voice rates. If overseas data-roaming charges are to be avoided, one could also combine this particular method by using a SIM card that is local. You also have the grand option of using Skype that is so simple to operate and fits in with Windows Phones, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Symbian. Once you register with Skype by using a telephone number in the United States, you could be easily contacted by those who want to make calls to you for free while you are traveling overseas.

How To Make Free International Call Without Wi-Fi or 3G?

It is now the prevalent norm to use 3G or Wi-Fi to make free international calls and this trend is fast catching the world over. However, it may so happen that neither 3G nor Wi-Fi may not be available all the time and one may have to look for suitable alternatives to make free international calls.

International Calling App

One such alternative is ChatTime, which is an iPhone app that allows user to make international calls of a high quality and that too, for free. It uses technology that is based on patent pending and eliminates the use of 3G or Wi-Fi as also data connection dependence to transmit. This is the first of its kind and has made international mobile calling free for nearly 1.7 billion people operating in in 53 countries. One of the most notable qualities of ChatTime is that it ensure clear audibility and eliminates line static completely. This high voice call quality enables greater clarity of speech and transmission and makes it easier for the user to make a conversation with anyone in any part of the world.

However, ChatTime is limited to making calls between ChatTime users only. Even though international calls are made in countless ways, each has its limitations and that applies to VoIP and calling cards also. You may download the app for free and enjoy as many free calls as you like without any undue risk. Going by published statistics, downloads for ChatTime are growing by 42 percent on a monthly average because mobile calling by way of VoIP has its limitations in terms of mass-adoption till 4G networks are implemented fully and this is most likely to happen by 2017.

Moreover, mobile VoIP becomes difficult to use and is also inconvenient for those who don’t wish to use a Wi-Fi-based hotspot. That’s why mobile VoIP was used for only 2.9 percent of all international calls in 2010. On the other hand, ChatTime has come to be recognized as a solution that enables users to make calls by way of local networks and transmits voice through cellular networks as against IP for absolutely clear calls.

Alternately, you can also hook up through your internet by using the application that Rebtel has launched for PCs to make free calls without Wi-Fi. This of course, is possible if the person you are calling also has a Rebtel app. You may also attach your phone to a Rebtel account and the international number you wish to call will be converted into a local number and will be charged on local rates if you call.

You may also make calls from your landline using the Rebtel app. All you need to do is to enter the number you want to call on your PC’s Rebtel account and an email containing the local number will reach your inbox. You just dial the number and tell the receiver to return your call using the particular local number that they have received. You can talk for as long as you like. No costs at all.

Apart from that you can download international calling mobile application for free for cost i.e. GVCall. It is available on two variant (Android and iOS) to call an international destination without Wi-Fi or 3G with regular 2G connection and it gives you a low cost call with crystal clear voice quality. You can call direct through your mobile to any mobile or landline no matter them installed GVCall app or not.

10 Food Items You Should Buy Organic

Buy Organic Food
Buy Organic Food
  1. Apples:
  2. Apples happen to be the leader on the fruit list that are contaminated most with pesticides. Thus buying organic apples is a much wiser choice than going for non-organic ones if pesticides bother you. These are not only delicious and juicy but have a certain fragrance also.

  3. Meat:
  4. Organic beef came into prominence because farm owners and ranchers who produce it are strictly prohibited to inject their livestock with antibiotics for making them disease resistant. Organic meat is, therefore, much safer as growth hormones to plump up animals and poultry is never used, Cattle is fed grain that has been grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

  5. Milk:
  6. It is also much more advisable to buy organic milk, especially for the consumption of children as non-organic milk usually contains pesticides even though in small traces. Organic milk is also purer as organic dairies feed their cows grain that has been cultivated without pesticides and other chemical fertilizers or any growth hormones for that matter. These dairy cows also graze in outdoor pastures for a period of at least four months in a year and organic milk products like ice cream, yogurt, cheese and butter have more nutritional value.

  7. Eggs:
  8. It is also safer to buy organic eggs as these evolve from birds that have organic feed and aren’t exposed to antibiotics or growth hormones. Moreover, these free-range hens are reared in yards and poultries which are strictly kept free of any synthetic chemicals. Nowadays, even organic quail, goose and also ostrich eggs are available.

  9. Coffee:
  10. You could also opt for organic coffee that is grown on organic sol free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, while buying your coffee, ensure that it has the government registered organic seal on it.

  11. Peaches:
  12. Peaches, like apples also contain the maximum amount of pesticides and peeling the fruit always doesn’t eliminate its pesticide content. Organic peaches are definitely more nutritional but one needs to see the organic sticker on them first.

  13. Potatoes:
  14. Also non-organic potatoes are more contaminated with pesticides and anti-fungal soil sprays and this calls for the consumption of their organic counterparts more. Since potato plants are more susceptible to disease, there is no effective organic methods to tackle it and this makes such potatoes much more expensive.

  15. Peppers:
  16. It is also prudent to buy organic peppers as the inorganic ones are exposed to heavy doses of insecticides when grown commercially. The same applies to green beans, celery, tomatoes cauliflower and carrots. As questionable in term of pesticide load; so if you’re skittish, you might want to look for their organic versions

  17. Salad Vegetables:
  18. Most salad greens like lettuce and spinach are chemical and pesticides – laden because of the presence of various insects and worms in them. Thus organic varieties are more preferred as their growers use nontoxic repellents, traps and meshes to keep insects away.

  19. Organic Tea:
  20. Organic tea is a much healthier alternative as it is not only good for the heart but also has other healing powers.